Baldofski, S., Kohls, E., Bauer, S., Becker, K., Bilic, S., Eschenbeck, H., Kaess, M., Moessner, M., Salize, H.-J., Diestelkamp, S., Voß, E., Rummel-Kluge, C. & the ProHEAD Consortium (2019). Efficacy and Cost-Effectiveness of Two Online Interventions for Children and Adolescents at Risk for Depression (E.motion trial): Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial within the ProHEAD Consortium. Trials, 20(1), 53.
Bauer, S., Bilić, S., Reetz, R., Ozer, F., Becker, K., Eschenbeck, H., Kaess, M., Rummel-Kluge, C., Salize, H.-J., Diestelkamp, S., Moessner, M. & the ProHEAD Consortium (2019). Efficacy and Cost-Effectiveness of Internet-Based Selective Eating Disorder Prevention: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial within the ProHEAD Consortium. Trials, 20(1), 91.
Diestelkamp, S., Wartberg, L., Kaess, M., Bauer, S., Rummel-Kluge, C., Becker, K., Eschenbeck, H., Salize, H.-J., Baldus, C., Thomasius, R. & the ProHEAD Consortium. (2019). Effectiveness of a web-based screening and brief intervention with weekly text-message-initiated individualised prompts for reducing risky alcohol use among teenagers: study protocol of a randomised controlled trial within the ProHEAD Consortium. Trials, 20(1), 73.
Eschenbeck, H., Lehner, L., Hofmann, H., Bauer, S., Becker, K., Diestelkamp, S., Kaess, M., Moessner, M., Rummel-Kluge, C., Salize, H.-J. & the ProHEAD Consortium (2019). School-Based Mental Health Promotion in Children and Adolescents with StresSOS using Online or Face-to-Face Interventions: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial within the ProHEAD Consortium. Trials, 20(1), 64.
Hiery, A., Bonnet, S., Bauer, S., Moessner, M., Thomasius, R., Rummel-Kluge, C., Eschenbeck, H., Salize, H.-J., Kaess, M., Becker, K. & das ProHEAD-Konsortium. (2020). Stark durch die Krise: Möglichkeiten der (Online-) Unterstützung von Kindern und Jugendlichen während der Covid-19-Pandemie. Hessisches Ärzteblatt, 7/8 , 404-408.
Kaess M. & Bauer S. (2019). Editorial: Promoting Help-seeking using E-Technology for ADolescents: The ProHEAD Consortium. Trials, 20(1), 72.
Kaess, M., Moessner, M., Koenig, J., Lustig, S., Bonnet, S., Becker, K., Eschenbeck, H., Rummel-Kluge, C., Thomasius, R., & Bauer, S. (2021). Editorial Perspective: A Plea for the Sustained Implementation of Digital Interventions for Young People with Mental Health Problems in Light of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 62(7) , 916-918.
Kaess, M., Ritter, S., Lustig, S., Bauer, S., Becker, K., Eschenbeck, H., Moessner, M., Rummel-Kluge, C., Salize, H.-J., Thomasius, R., Resch, F., Koenig, J. & the ProHEAD consortium (2019). Promoting Help-seeking using E-technology for ADolescents with Mental Health Problems: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial within the ProHEAD Consortium. Trials, 20(1), 94.
Koenig, J., Kohls, E., Moessner, M., Lustig, S., Bauer, S., Becker, K., Thomasius, R., Eschenbeck, H., Diestelkamp, S., Gillé, V., Hiery, A., Rummel-Kluge, C., Kaess, M., & the ProHEAD Consortium (2021). The Impact of COVID-19 related Lockdown Measures on Self-Reported Psychopathology and Health-Related Quality of Life in German Adolescents. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 32(1), 113-122.
Lehner, L., Gillé, V., Baldofski, S., Bauer, S., Becker, K., Diestelkamp, S., Kaess, M., Krämer, J., Lustig, S., Moessner, M., Rummel-Kluge, C., Thomasius, R., Eschenbeck, H., & ProHEAD Consortium (2022). Moderators of pre-post changes in school-based mental health promotion: Psychological stress symptom decrease for adolescents with mental health problems, knowledge increase for all. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, 899185.
Lustig, S., Koenig, J., Bauer, S., Moessner, M., Bonnet, S., Becker, K., Diestelkamp, S., Eschenbeck, H., Hiery, A., Kohls, E., Lehner, L., Rummel-Kluge, C., Thomasius, R., Kaess, M., and the ProHEAD Consortium (2022). Help-Seeking Attitudes and Behaviors for Mental Health Problems in Adolescents Before and During the First COVID-19 School Closures in Germany. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 17(3), 331-334.